Fundraising Events
Monty's Foundation Ride Walk & Wheel A-Thon 2012
Clarky's Ride 4 Life September 2012 Monty's Foundation , Chris Clarke & team are now busy planning for the 2012 ride ! Leaving Rosewood Supa IGA on Friday & arriving in Mundubbera on Sunday September 2012 Rosewood QLD to Mundubbera to raise awareness & funds for the Foundation.
Chris Clarke & team will kick start their ride for Monty's Foundation on from Rosewood SUPA IGA (Sponsors of the event) with a BBQ breaky at 6am Friday 14 September 2012.
Friday 14th September 2012
Saturday 15th September 2012 they will journey from Dalby to Boomdooma Home Stead (overnight)
Sunday 16th September 2012 the team will make their final leg of the trip into Mundubbera Bicentennial Park (12noon) to join in the celebrations ands the local Ride, Walk & wheel A-Thon
A presentation to the winner of the local Ride, Walk & Wheel-A-Thon, followed by a BBQ
SO ......... follow Clarky and the team on their journey by checking him out on his blog, write your own words of encouragement
If you would like to come along and join us for the whole ride or part of entry are now open
Come a long and have a crack !!!
Followed by BBQ lunch
Nominations now open !!! Collect a form from Mundubbera Medical Centre, Mundubbera IGA, Bendigo Bank Mundbbera
Phone 07 41654688
Ride Walk & Wheel A-Thon Nomination Forms